设计|生活|发现新鲜 » 蛋壳蜡烛         function dochange(){ event.srcElement.style.background = "#f3f3f3"; } function doRes(){ event.srcElement.style.background = ""; }                  //'); //]]>       .commentwarrior li *{vertical-align:middle;} .commentwarrior li{border:none; float:left; width:50%;} .commentwarrior li img{margin-right:5px;} .commentwarrior img, .commentwarrior img.avatar{margin-right:6px;margin-bottom:6px;}      .editComment, .editableComment, .textComment{ display: inline;}.comment-childs{border-top: 1px solid #dddddd;border-bottom: 0px solid #000;margin: 5px 10px 10px 80px;padding: 5px 0 0 0;background: #ffffff;}     很抱歉,这几日比较忙,三周年活动结果的公布延迟至25日~ 公布后随即开始礼品发放 :-) 圣诞快乐!2009.12.23              /* */      蛋壳蜡烛Wednesday, December 31st, 2008 

 没错,这次是货真价实的蛋壳哦~ 没想到被我们随手扔掉的过N多个的蛋壳有这么巧妙的用处吧~ 喜欢自己DIY蜡烛的朋友,不妨找些蛋壳来尝试一下哦,自己精心灌注的蜡烛,最好再手绘一些图案或是涂鸦一些文字,过节的时候拿来送人会很不错哦~


 也许相关的创意:  炸弹和雷管蜡烛



Energy Seed DIY成功版

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   订阅到 | ,收藏到QQ书签 | del.icio.us | Google     上一篇:what is it ? 下一篇:不明所以的时间                                         var EYES99 = { MAX_DIST : 20, // furthest pupil can move from center EYE_RADIUS : 39, // half the width of the eye image PUPIL_RADIUS : 2, // half the width of the pupil image pupils : [], init : function() { var app = EYES99; // setup our mousemove handler if (document.addEventListener) { document.addEventListener("mousemove", app.moveEyes, true); } else if (document.attachEvent) { document.attachEvent("onmousemove", app.moveEyes); } // grab references to the pupils app.pupils = [ _gel("EYES_pupil099"), _gel("EYES_pupil199") ]; // Call uninit when leaving page to cleanup the handlers _IG_AddEventHandler("unload", app.uninit); }, uninit : function() { var app = EYES99; // clean up our handlers if (document.addEventListener) { document.removeEventListener("mousemove", app.moveEyes, true); } else if (document.attachEvent) { document.detachEvent("onmousemove", app.moveEyes); } }, moveEyes : function(e) { if (!e) e = window.event; var app = EYES99; for (var i = 0; i < app.pupils.length; i++) { var pupil = app.pupils[i]; // The middle points of the eyes var midx = app.getPagePos(pupil.parentNode,true) + app.EYE_RADIUS; var midy = app.getPagePos(pupil.parentNode,false) + app.EYE_RADIUS; // The distX/distY from eye middles to the mouse var distX = e.clientX + document.documentElement.scrollLeft - midx; var distY = e.clientY + document.documentElement.scrollTop - midy; // The absolute distance from eye middles to the mouse var dist = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(distX, 2) + Math.pow(distY, 2)); if (dist > app.MAX_DIST) { // mouse out of eyeball, scale distX/distY to be at eyeball edge var scale = app.MAX_DIST / dist; distX *= scale; distY *= scale; } // Place the pupil appropriately pupil.style.left = parseInt(distX + app.EYE_RADIUS - app.PUPIL_RADIUS) + "px"; pupil.style.top = parseInt(distY + app.EYE_RADIUS - app.PUPIL_RADIUS) + "px"; } }, // get page coords for an element getPagePos : function(el, left) { var val=0; while(el != null) { val += el["offset"+(left?"Left":"Top")]; el = el.offsetParent; } return val; } }; EYES99.init();      无需注册,即刻发表您的看法!(5)条评论   

  / Dec 31st, 2008 18:13 1 好漂亮



 zoe / Dec 31st, 2008 22:34 2 鹌鹑蛋?



 bonnie7788 / Jan 5th, 2009 16:59 3 好想有人送!



 vvolf / Jan 6th, 2009 9:17 4 要是我就在山芋中挖个坑,天上烛油,然后越烧就越有烤山芋的香味吧:)



  / May 14th, 2009 9:53 5 是不是有某种讽刺的含义在里面? 燃烧生命? 亦或者暗示人类在预支地球的生命?



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