设计|生活|发现新鲜 » Blog Archive » Wink Glasses,眨眨眼睛,视力好好                       .editComment, .editableComment, .textComment{ display: inline;}.comment-childs{border-top: 1px solid #dddddd;border-bottom: 0px solid #000;margin: 5px 10px 10px 80px;padding: 5px 0 0 0;background: #ffffff;}     Loading fanfou status...                   收藏阳光的罐子  LivingColors  新奇牙膏纸巾抽  复古不锈钢小闹钟  快乐牛奶杯灯  导演打板闹钟  他和她的故事  北欧书本造型纸巾盒        Catelogs Blogging (73)  store (20)  wordpress (29)  先锋数码 (39)  分享生活 (19)  创意家居 (280)  创意广告 (54)  创意生活 (278)  听音乐 (3)  小游戏 (11)  工业设计 (743)  有趣新鲜 (913)  看电影 (12)  话题广告 (20)   [ 按照月份浏览归档 ]  Blogroll                        臭豆成员站点                            设计|生活|发现新鲜 >> 关注一切有趣新鲜的设计/产品/创意/事物 …

   Wink Glasses,眨眨眼睛,视力好好  

 也许你自己都不晓得,但是通常情况下每隔3-5秒我们的眼睛就会眨一次,眨眼的过程可以润滑眼睛,环节眼疲劳,但是现在电脑屏幕展示出来的信息实在太过丰富,激烈的网络游戏、犀利的时事评论、复杂而又充满诱惑的程序代码… 我们往往因为太聚精会神而不舍得眨眼睛,但这并不是什么好事,眼睛疲劳、视力下降、神经紊乱,各种不适反应最终会找上门来。


 日本的公司设计的这款Wink Glasses装置可以安装在眼镜镜片的外面,正常情况下它薄薄的镜片是透明的,当内置的监测装置感应到佩戴者超过5秒钟没有眨眼睛,镜面就会雾化,突然的视觉模糊会让使用者反射性的眨眼睛。也许,这会是日夜守在电脑前的宅男御女们的明目福音?

  QQ书签+收客+del.icio.us+Google+百度收藏+                                 var EYES99 = { MAX_DIST : 20, // furthest pupil can move from center EYE_RADIUS : 39, // half the width of the eye image PUPIL_RADIUS : 2, // half the width of the pupil image pupils : [], init : function() { var app = EYES99; // setup our mousemove handler if (document.addEventListener) { document.addEventListener("mousemove", app.moveEyes, true); } else if (document.attachEvent) { document.attachEvent("onmousemove", app.moveEyes); } // grab references to the pupils app.pupils = [ _gel("EYES_pupil099"), _gel("EYES_pupil199") ]; // Call uninit when leaving page to cleanup the handlers _IG_AddEventHandler("unload", app.uninit); }, uninit : function() { var app = EYES99; // clean up our handlers if (document.addEventListener) { document.removeEventListener("mousemove", app.moveEyes, true); } else if (document.attachEvent) { document.detachEvent("onmousemove", app.moveEyes); } }, moveEyes : function(e) { if (!e) e = window.event; var app = EYES99; for (var i = 0; i < app.pupils.length; i++) { var pupil = app.pupils[i]; // The middle points of the eyes var midx = app.getPagePos(pupil.parentNode,true) + app.EYE_RADIUS; var midy = app.getPagePos(pupil.parentNode,false) + app.EYE_RADIUS; // The distX/distY from eye middles to the mouse var distX = e.clientX + document.documentElement.scrollLeft - midx; var distY = e.clientY + document.documentElement.scrollTop - midy; // The absolute distance from eye middles to the mouse var dist = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(distX, 2) + Math.pow(distY, 2)); if (dist > app.MAX_DIST) { // mouse out of eyeball, scale distX/distY to be at eyeball edge var scale = app.MAX_DIST / dist; distX *= scale; distY *= scale; } // Place the pupil appropriately pupil.style.left = parseInt(distX + app.EYE_RADIUS - app.PUPIL_RADIUS) + "px"; pupil.style.top = parseInt(distY + app.EYE_RADIUS - app.PUPIL_RADIUS) + "px"; } }, // get page coords for an element getPagePos : function(el, left) { var val=0; while(el != null) { val += el["offset"+(left?"Left":"Top")]; el = el.offsetParent; } return val; } }; EYES99.init();    上一篇:油表储蓄罐 下一篇:3604杯咖啡拼出的蒙娜丽莎           本文已有4 条评论,你也说点什么?   

  / Aug 1st, 2009 2:57 1 how much? 蛮帅的…



 nanfeijiu / Aug 1st, 2009 12:03 2 那戴眼镜的不就麻烦了,用不了啊



  / Aug 1st, 2009 12:50 3 嗯,这样蛮好的,但是,时间长了是不是会影响中枢神经判断啊



  / Aug 2nd, 2009 4:10 4 看着又跟线,如果这样的话 有些不方便啊


   你或许想说点什么  留下你的名号(required)  



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